Title: City of Bones (book 1)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Genera: YA, Fantasy
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
My Rating: 4.2 STARS
This book has a lot of hype and I tried to get into it (twice) and wasn't sucked in. But I will give this another go cause the guy who plays Magnus Bane (in the Movie) is my boo. Like OMG I LOVE HIM! I love all his Asian drama and he is asdfnaosdifnossdfn. So because of him, I will try this book another try. I hope that the third time is the charm :/
Apparently 3rd time is the charm... I finished this book in less than a day. It was okay in the beginning but once pi start reading, you get into it. Plus, there were plot twists that I didn't see coming so that was great. Gonna go read book 2 real soon, hope I like it!
~Natasha Morriston~