Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ruined by Amy Tintera

Title: Ruined
Author: Amy Tintera
Genera: YA, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Harper Teen

My Rating: 4.5 STARS

     To be honest, I have been in a reading slump since my 1 month vacation in February. I started some books but never finished any of them, I almost gave up on reading for a while. But then one day, I was on Goodreads, looking at yall completing your 2016 Challenge and feeling bad for myself when this book caught my eye. I don't even know why it did. The cover isn't THAT fab or anything but I was drawn to it. And here I am, finally read a book from beginning to finish. 

To be able to get me out of a reading slump is quite impressive. I even turned down 2 of my most anticipated new releases because I wasn't "feeling" it. So to me, I have to be thankful for this book. The bad thing is that this book just came out not so long ago and now I have to wait A WHOLE YEAR for book 2. I hate that because I forget what the fudge I read in book 1 and I am one of those people who can't re-read books. I just can't, I always skim over them but never really READ them again. But I hope I don't forget much from this book because I want to know what happens next. 

The author left the story at a climax. Not a resolution, haha no. How common is a resolution? Why don't we just leave the readers hanging at the effing CLIMAX?! <--- Cruel. Just Cruel. But the good thing about that is this makes the readers anticipate book 2. We want to know what happens after _(blah blah blah)_ did _(blah blah blah)__. 

All in all, I enjoyed this book. Yes, this is the typical "a girl who is 'different' goes out to seek revenge but then meets and falls in love with her enemy" type of book (that's not a spoiler, its literally in the book description) but if you look past that, since all books of this genera are basically the same, it was still a fun read. Because even though you know that the girl will fall in love with her enemy, you still want to see HOW and WHY, etc. Also, I though the Ruined powers in this book were cool and the story was interesting. I mean it did get me out of a slump so....

Well, I hope you like this book, if and when you read it! Maybe it can get you out of a reading slump too. 

Happy Reading!

~Natasha Morriston~