Title: Dumplin' (Book 1)
Author: Julie Murphy
Genera: YA, Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction
Publisher: Blazer + Bray
My Rating: 4 STARS
An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
Originally, I wasn't really planning on reading this book. It wasn't even on my TBR list. I had no idea what it was about or really cared. BUT after going on a vacation, I came back home with a GIANT box on my door step. Seeing that its from one of my favorite publishing companies, I dropped everything and ran to the kitchen and ripped the box right open. Okay, maybe not ripped, more like using-a-knife-super-fast-to-murder/open-the box. Anyways, inside the box was oh so many goodies. And right at the bottom was Dumplin' by Julie Murphy. To be honest, I wasn't really freaking out over the book, I was more "oh okay cool". But since Harper sent it to me, I wanted to read it and review it because that's what you do when people send you books, you read and review them. And wow was I surprised by how much I liked it. I read this book from 2 AM to 8 AM and didn't want to stop until I finished. However, my stomach is a prick and so after eating, I ran back to my room and finished this book.
I think what I enjoyed most about this book was that I was able to relate to a lot of the stuff going on inside the book. I understand having a huge crush on a hot jock, growing apart from friends and being insecure about myself and my weight. There really wasn't any plot twists or OMG moments but the story and the writing made up for that.
All in all, I think it was a really fun, enjoyable light read that I'm glad I got to read. So thank you again Harper/Epic Reads for your great gift!
Happy Reading!
~Natasha Morriston~